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Dredging recommendations for sampling of resources in Cambridge Gulf
A mining company was prospecting for diamonds in the Cambridge Gulf north of Lacrosse Island. In order to assess the value of the resource an assessment has to be made of the resource and subsequently of the reserve in the licence area. In this campaign by it was suggested to use a trailing suction hopper dredger (TSHD) for the sampling.


Study of dredging activities in Fiji
Faced by some very devastating floods, the Government of Fiji, with the assistance of FAO and UNDP has instigated a long-term dredging programme to try and avoid sediment build-up in the major estuarine areas. The Government has also been assisted with the preparation of a River Improvement Master Plan, which incorporates a mathematical predictive model for the Rewa Delta.


Study of dredging activities in Kiribati
Faced by some the deterioration of the beaches of the atoll of Kiribati, the Government of Fiji, with the assistance of SOPAC of UNDP has instigated a long-term programme to dredge the sand required for the local construction industry and for fill purposes from the lagoon of the atoll. prepared a set up for a dredging unit that can supply the sand and aggregate with a self propelled grab dredge.
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